Who We Are
The Integris Mission
The Integris mission is to deliver value-added solutions and services to the client, using holistic approaches based on best practices and the highest ethical standards of the engineering profession.
At Integris Technology Services LLC, the only thing that matters is the mission.

A Holistic Approach
Design Assurance
Integris can provide opinions on whether a product or system is “fit for purpose”. The Integris method is holistic, applying decades of product design, applications, materials, reliability, equipment risk assessment, and industry standards experience to the design assurance process.
Product and System Design
Integris uses a holistic approach in product and system design. Competency in design methods is only the beginning. Integris routinely applies additional competencies in applications, design for reliability, materials, manufacturing, laboratory testing, and industry standards to deliver the highest value product or system solution to the client.
Technology Assessment
Integris also uses a holistic approach to your technology assessment challenges. Whether failure analysis, a product line analysis, or IP support, a comprehensive set of competencies are available to meet the challenge. These include design, testing, applications, standards, materials, reliability, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA), expert witness, and patents.
Our Commitment to the Client
Integris Technology Services LLC always strives to deliver its services with

“The pessimist sees difficulty on every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”
-Sir Winston Churchill
Photos courtesy of OpenClipArt-Vectors (left) and Gerd Altmann (right)